
2012 KIMU Line Project

KIMU Line Project

Tell the hidden stories, create the hidden possibilities.

LINEs hide in the detail of our daily lives. Secretly, they have linked up every single thing.

2012 LINE x KIMU arouses your imagination and observation to those LINEs you have ignored or took for
granted. Join us to be a detective of your own life. Trace the LINEs to their ends, tell the hidden stories and
create the hidden possibilities.

At the moment of observing and taking note, an invisible LINE has linked our eyes, our hands, to the pens
and ended up at the notes written. The LINE has created the new value of existence for notebook and the
new element for observation in life.

Being the cross of eastern and western world, geographically and culturally, Taiwan is the invisible LINE
connecting the whole world. We inherit the beauty of Chinese tradition and also embrace the innovation of
western evolution. It is the chemistry between the east and the west lights up the path in design.
In the early autumn 2012, at the moment when the flight took off, Taiwan and Helsinki are linked through the
LINE in the sky.

LINE x KIMU, to be continued

Line Project//01

The New Old Light
一盞東西 |

Traditional lantern with a simple wooden lampshade, it mixes complex and simple shapes,
eastern and western styles, old and new aesthetics. Also can adjust different light effect by pull down lantern, from directly spot-light to softly light.

Line Project//02

Detective Survival Guide Notebook
偵探守則筆記本 |

We are social creatures who like to observe, we observe others surreptitiously, quietly. Let our
survival books guide you through these peeping memories.

